ISSN: 1550-7521
Department of Altai Studies and Chinese Studies, Kazan Federal University, Russia
Received date: October 03, 2016; Accepted date: November 08, 2016; Published date: November 18, 2016
Citation: Young Cheol Ko. Student Needs Analysis for Departments of Korean Language Curriculum improvement of Russian Universities. Global Media Journal. 2016, 14:27.
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Teaching of Koreans foreign language; Korean language curriculum; Learner-center; Requirement analysis; Standard curriculum of Korean language for international use
The curriculum needs to be amended according to the specific characteristics of those who are studying the language: their age, social environment and general education [1-3].
The primary audience of Korean Language Course is students that are why it is especially important that their need of selfactualization will be met by the practical aspect of being fluent in foreign language [4-6].
The main goal of this research was to create the foundation for an effective educational process in Korean Departments of Russian State Universities. Therefore, this study is based on the curriculum theory about foreign languages. By default Korea National Institute of the Korean Language “Internationally accepted Korean Educational Standard Model” and University of Korea “Special Korean courses” compared to the standard curriculum of the Russian Federation, after analyzing the requirements of Russian students, are seeking to improve Highlights directions. Nowadays, in 2016, about 25 Universities in Russian Federation opened departments with studying Korean language as first or second language. Subjects and the number of teaching hours should be organized according to the standard educational program of the Russian Federation, but making curriculum, there are also should be taken into consideration needs of students.
Studying Korean language in Russian Universities you can have Korean as a major, but you also can have Korean as second major while there will be linguistics, history, international relations or economics as a first major [7,8].
The main problem discussed in this study is as follows
Firstly, it is a curriculum for students majoring Korean language. The second major or a second foreign language is the four subjects specified in the standard courses given in Russian Federation: Fundamentals of the theory of the second foreign language (Korean language), Practical Course of the Second Foreign Language (Korean language), Practical course on verbal communication (Korean language), and Simultaneous translation of the Korean language. Important educational contents of the curriculum of the Korean language subject use internationally accepted six standard levels of Korean language which the Korean national language unit provides.
Secondly, we discussed curriculum for the country of students majoring in Korean and reviewed Korea National University in the relevant courses in mud as prescribed by the Institute of the Korean Language teaching degree. In Russian Federation majoring Korean studies or Korean language students’ desire to find a job after graduation or to study abroad is increasing. So there are two reasons to be capable of communication – “general purpose” and “learning objectives”.
The third argument is analysis of Korean language learners and graduates’ needs of target that required to be taken at a major university for collection and organization. After graduation over the graduates it feels, how important to learn the Korean language subject, and there are not enough time for classes, and during 4 grade 2 semester the important subjects are to be completed in the vital targets. So there was a survey for what kind of class time should be increased.
This research purposes curriculum for Korean language major, Korean language curricula and real standards of the Russian Federation, Russia plays important role in Korean learning and improving education system for students and graduates to meet the demand.
The content of the study: research and current course needs analysis of students and graduates of the Korean Language Department at Russian University.
Purpose of the study: curriculum development of Korean Language Departments in Russian Universities.
According to the Korean language curricula in Korea for the literature and research through the Internet, the current curriculum problem for Korean language major as first or second language in the Russian Federation was analyzed through a questionnaire survey. Statistical analysis was a priority measure through frequency analysis.
Research Period: January 1, 2016 – March 16, 2016
Surveyed: 1) Graduates: MSU, RGSU, KFU 1-8 years ago graduated students that are working in Moscow and Kazan (Korean language professors, office workers) 20 out of 40 people responded.
2) Students: KFU 4 grade 2d semester (seniors) 32 out of 40 students responded.
Questionnaire: from January 15 to February 16 questions was sent through Internet and then answers were received. Survey course is a total of 31 subjects were selected by the National Korean Language Institute of Korea. It is a general compulsory subject of the curriculum for all subjects designated for universities and Korean teacher qualifications.
Survey methods and procedures: 31 subjects, first survey based on the importance of education, connecting with Korean from 1 to 5, then subjects that are needed to increase the completion time of the courses in order of priority from 1 to 5.
Data processing methods: for 1 chosen subject 5 points, by calculating the score with the frequency analysis to measure sequences and it was assigned a score.
Content model was set up to separate the criteria for the Korean language as a foreigner from the first grade to seventh grade [9]. Among Russian students learning subjects connected with Korean, students majoring in Korean can be accomplished according to the students' abilities in any class, four grades (4-6 grade level), and courses provide according this data. There are 4 courses for first or second major that are given specified in the standard curriculum in Russian Federation: Fundamentals of the theory of the second foreign language (Korean language), Practical Course of the Second Foreign Language (Korean language), Practical course on verbal communication (Korean language), and Simultaneous translation of the Korean language. In details, these courses will reach international standard Korean language education models when there are will be an appropriate level of education [10-12].
Nowadays, college graduates majoring in Korean at university must complete 130 credits, and to become a professor of Korean language of the 130 credits it should be mandatory to obtain 45 credits from the courses. Korean as a foreign language accounts for a large proportion of Educational Area and for its contents were also given a lot more subjects to illustrate different areas. Academic knowledge of the contents and methods of teaching Korean, Educational meaning, it is equipped with a practical teacher training skills for lessons on how to realize the educational value [13-15]. And it is not only Korean language, but it is also general knowledge about Korean culture and mentality. According to article 13 of Korean Basic Law Decree there are total credits required by Korean teacher qualifications that are necessary for the proposed area and outlining the proposed completion in Table 1.
Table 1. Necessary number of courses per region and necessary time (Korean Basic Law Decree article 1).
№ | Area | State Education Content | Course examples | Grades |
1 | Korean Language | Information about Korean Language (Phonetics, Grammar, Vocabulary, Semantics, Pragmatics, History, Literary norm etc.) |
Introduction to Korean linguistics, Korean phonetics, Korean Grammar, Korean Vocabulary, Korean Semantics, Korean Pragmatics, Korean History, Korean literary norms etc. | 6 |
2 | General and Applied Linguistics | Research of content and language needed for General Linguistics The results of the actual application Applied Linguistics |
Applied Linguistics, Introduction to Linguistics, Contrast Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Language acquisition theory etc. | 6 |
3 | Korean as a Foreign Language | Korean as a foreign language Information corresponding to the overall teaching |
Introduction to learning about Korean language, Korean educational linguistics, Evaluation Methods of Korean Proficiency, Language teaching theory, Training of Speech Activities (speaking, writing), Understanding Korean (listening, reading), Korean Pronunciation, Korean Grammar, Korean Vocabulary, Korean Language Theory, Korean Culture, Chinese Characters (Hanja), Korean education policy, Korean Translation Studies etc. | 24 |
4 | Korean Culture | History of Korean language, content is primarily composed ofㆍFolkloreㆍPhilosophyㆍPoliticsㆍEconomicsㆍSocietyㆍGeographyㆍArt etc. | Korean folk studies, Contemporary Korean culture, Traditional Korean culture, Introduction to Korean Literature, Traditional culture, Criticism of Contemporary Korean culture, Modern Korean Society, Understanding of the Korean Literature etc. | 6 |
5 | Korean Educational Practice | Actual learning of Korean language or visual learning of Korean language | Attend lectures, Simulation Classes, Teaching practice etc. | 3 |
Total | 45 |
Note: The National Institute of the Korean Language (2014), 2014 Korean teacher qualifications Assistant. Seoul: National Institute of the Korean Language, 10, 43-45.
In accordance of specialty the Korean Ministry of Education autonomously entrust with a subject that should be examined. In 1999 the first two faculties of Korean linguistic and Korean culture for foreigners were organized on a base of the Korean Department at Kyunghee University. Korean as a foreign language curriculum is divided into two courses: Korean language department and Korean language education. Graduated credits is 130 and the major courses, basic major 6 credits and for the selected major should get 48 credits in total 54 credits students can graduate. So, curriculum Korean major of Kyunghee University and etc. The Korean language curriculum of Korean universities, after graduating Ministry of Culture and Tourism’s Korean teachers' qualifications that should be taken under the premise, The Framework Act of the National Institute of Korean language designated in “Table 1” as “mandatory courses and number of class hours” standartly curriculum should be organized, all university almost identical and just some college characteristics of individual choice of subjects. And these Korean educational processes applying to college, in the Russian federal university Russia's federal governments about foreign language education, regulation and Educational environment or condition is different, it should be considered [7,8,16].
In the Russian Federation, there is the ability to accommodate major subjects and regulation of class, in the other word there are some standards. In accordance with guidance of Education, University certainly has to keep it, but they can set the content of the curriculum independently.
In the subject of the “Korean” are not actualized and tested, also under the name of a Korean education whole language approach are taught, in the other word, education is four functions of language status process focused on listening and speaking, reading, writing in phonetics, grammar, vocabulary, a disruptive, including normative sense, pragmatic, history, norms of language and etc. [17-19].
In according to the standard curriculum (Mandate № 11.08, 940, 2015) of linguistics major of the Russian Federation’s Ministry of Education and Science there are the following subject and class hours in Table 2.
Table 2. Russian Federal Ministry of Education and Science, majoring Korean standard curriculum.
№ | Subject name | Class hours | Mandatory/Optional | Study semester | ||
1 | Korean language | 992 | Mandatory | 1 grade - 4 grade (8 semester) | ||
2 | Korean culture | 234 | Mandatory | 2 grade 2 semester- 4 grade 2 semester (5 semester) | ||
3 | Introduction to Linguistics | 36 | Mandatory | 2 grade 2 semester (1 semester) | ||
4 | History of Korean Religions | 36 | Mandatory | 2 grade 2 semester (1 semester) | ||
5 | History of Korean literature | 36 | Mandatory | 2 grade 1 semester (1 semester) | ||
6 | Korean History | 72 | Mandatory | 2 grade 2 semester - 3 grade 1 semester (2 semester) | ||
7 | Korean language theory | 36 | Mandatory | 4 grade 2 semester (1 semester) | ||
8 | Translation Theory and Practice | 36 | Mandatory | 4 grade 2 semester (1 semester) | ||
9 | Korean Economic Geography | 18 | Mandatory | 1 grade 1 semester (1 semester) | ||
10 | Introduction to Korean Linguistics | 36 | Mandatory | 1 grade 2 semester (1 semester) | ||
11 | Classic Korean (Chinese characters) | 72 | Mandatory | 3 grade 2 semester - 4 grade 1 semester (2 semester) | ||
12 | Modern Korean Literature | 72 | Optional | 3 grade 1 semester - 3 grade 2 semester (2 semester) | ||
13 | Arts of Korea | 72 | Optional | 3 grade 1 semester - 3 grade 2 semester (2 semester) | ||
14 | Language teaching theory | 36 | Optional | 4 grade 1 semester (1 semester) | ||
15 | Dialects of Korean language | 72 | Optional | 3 grade 1 semester - 3 grade 2 semester (2 semester) | ||
16 | Korean dialects | 72 | Optional | 3 grade 1 semester - 3 grade 2 semester (2 semester) | ||
17 | Korean business statistics | 36 | Optional | 4 grade 2 semester (1 semester) | ||
18 | Korean text configuration | 36 | Optional | 4 grade 2 semester (1 semester) | ||
19 | Korean social thought | 36 | Optional | 1 grade 2 semester (1 semester) | ||
20 |
36 | Optional | 1 grade 2 semester (1 semester) | ||
21 | History of Korean Arts | 36 | Optional | 2 grade 1 semester (1 semester) | ||
22 | Korean Arts and Culture | 36 | Optional | 2 grade 1 semester (1 semester) | ||
23 | Economy of Korea | 36 | Optional | 4 grade 1 semester (1 semester) | ||
Total | 2,180 |
At present in the Russian Federation about operating curriculum enrolled student and graduated student aimed the survey results in Figure 1.
In the university that have to complete there are important subjects Korean language interpretation, Training of speech activities in Korean language (speaking, writing), Chinese characters, Theory of Korean grammar, Korean teaching theory, education theory of Korean translation, lexicology of Korean language, introduction to Korean educational linguistics. Among this subject Korean language interpretation, Training of speech activities in Korean language (speaking, writing) more than other subject is greatly superior and enrolled student Korean language interpretation and Korean expression, graduate student Korean expression and Chinese characters are considered important. A lot of time in the current curriculum has been earmarked about Korean culture and Korean literature students they have not considered important to the will shall be noted (Figure 2).
Subjects showed a lack of class hours in Korean Grammar, education theory of Korean translation and Korean lexicology, Korean phonology, Korean interpretation, Korean expression (speaking and writing), Introduction to Korean literature, Korea Cultural Education. Among enrolled student theory of Korean grammar are greatly superior, the reason the Korean language program does not teach separate teaching amount of the grammar found in textbooks seems to be insufficient. A graduate student who chosen response showed, however in theory of Korean translation and Korean vocabulary pay attention things real Korean in use needed tools, and have enough time to study Korean literature in introduction of Korean literary culture (Figure 3).
Important or subject with the lack of class time is theory of Korean language interpretation, Theory and practice of translation, Korean expression (speaking and writing), education theory of Korean translation, Korean phonology, Korean linguistics and Introduction to Korean Literature, Listening and reading rules teaching were in a Korean Cultural Education. Enrolled student still can’t pass Korean language interpretation and Teaching of Chinese character's importance, graduate student Korean grammar and education for writing are important, but in core subjects evenly responsive and in education theory of Chinese character and education curriculum of Korean are not paying attention.
In example research there is Russian Federation’s curriculum improvement with the purpose of Korean government and university curriculum are investigated, and Russian Federation’s model curriculum and learner’s requirements analysis about necessary subject.
Korea’s Korean curriculum research starts with Eunsun Lee, Jeongsuk Kim and etc. Kim Jung Seop’s a list the content of education there is a prevailing international standard Korean language education research.
According to a recent study Korean demand is divided amongst various training courses for specific research purposes (academic, business, tourism and foreign universities, etc.) It began the study. It include researches of Youngmi Jeon. In foreign curriculum research there is Chinese University’s Kim Aeh Wa, Kim Suok from University of the Philippines, Janggahye from University of Paraguay.
Russian scholars are focusing on Korean grammar, literature, Korea, research on curriculum research rather than teaching situation, because this course is already operating as a national standard.
However, from these Russian researches of Korean education are handled, but learners of Korean teaching materials, developing or educational content, status of subjects and dealt with in Russian university's curriculum, it haven’t been studying. So, in example research included Russian Federation University majors in Korean a standard curriculum would be a follow-up study suggests, the Korean importance of the subjects of the Russian participant will contribute to the class orientation of professors.
In conclusion, firstly, in the Korean language the Korean interpretation, Korean grammar, education of Korean expressions, Korean translation theory, Korean lexicology, which is a priority and speaking firstly it after translation I think. In the other word, in Korean education while goal set up, in giving importance to speaking and translation, for this basically necessary Korean grammar and vocabulary- education should be paid attention. Secondly, in the curriculum in Korea, for Korean language proficiently using, knowing the Korean culture, Korean culture and the Korean literary culture, also we can know that the Chinese character importantly regarded but learning in Russia about its interest not exist. But in Korea study class is an intermediate level of learning Korean culture professor to teach since details of more necessary at improving the level of Korean language Learners to learn the lesson, map of professors of requests that can be actively involved.
Example researches can be used as research for improvement of curriculum of Korean Department, Currently the Korean Government and university that major is Korean language and focus on educating Korean instructors in major subjects, in university of Russian Federation subject is less than a subdivision, like Korean, and whole language approach, listening, speaking, reading, writing towards the educational integration of functionality, including to the course materials properly educated.
Korean standard level education and important subject, Russian Federation the educational process even within a professor to find the resources, educational courses, providing that all there is a way able to complete.
Learner in Russia in the Korean education it pays attention Korean translation theory, theory of Korean grammar, theory of Korean expression, theory of Korean translation, Korean lexicology, setting up a goals speaking and translation give importance to it, for this basically, Korean grammar and vocabulary should be noted in education. To make more participation in Korean culture, Korean literature and Chinese character classes there must be using some methods to make a lesson interesting.
This dissertation has to gain attention to Russian and CIS studding of Korean education scholars and teaching professors, scholars who research in Korean curriculum, professors who teach students in Korea, CIS, and to be interesting to scholars and professors to teach Korean language in education in foreign countries.
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