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A Study of the Impact of the Socio-Cultural and Educational Background on English Language Learning Skills at Secondary School Level in Lahore District, Pakistan

Faisal Irfan*, Aziz ur Rehman khan and Malik Muhammad Saleem

School of Languages, Civilization and Philosophy, University Utara Malaysia, Changlun, Malaysia

Corresponding Author:
Faisal Irfan
School of Languages, Civilization and Philosophy, University Utara Malaysia, Changlun, Malaysia
Tel: +923216282909

Received date: September 02, 2020; Accepted date: September 18, 2020; Published date: September 25, 2020

Citation: Irfan F, khan AR, Saleem MM. A Study of the Impact of the Socio-Cultural and Educational Background on English Language Learning Skills at Secondary School Level in Lahore District, Pakistan. Global Media Journal 2021, 19:37.

Copyright: © 2021 Irfan F, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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The purpose of the research is to explore the socio cultural and educational factors that have an impact on students’ English language proficiency of secondary school students of Lahore District, Pakistan. A mixed method analysis has been used to justify this research and a total quantity of a hundred and twenty students from Urdu and English medium students participated in this survey. The results suggest that the commonplace distinction inside the practice of language between the scholars and the parents acts as one of the most important consciousness points in this report. The end result once more showed widespread ratio adjustments among the mom of Urdu medium colleges‟ college students and the moms of the English medium schools‟ college students where the proportion of surprisingly educated moms of English medium schools students is greater than that of the urdu medium colleges students moms. The third answer of this study shows the result as both sides being equal. The fourth answer indicates a different analysis of children living in higher families and minor families. The Fifth and Sixth answer is about the occupation of the mother and father of each medium faculties students. This study is the evaluation and analysis of the socio cultural and educational factors which affect the student’s English learning process. The researcher particularly recommends that both the parents and the lecturer’s involvement are equally critical from all perspective. It is most vital that the mother and father communicate to their Kids. Approximately their research at college and encourage them and inspire them to head further beforehand. It is maximum important to keep in mind that the students are right here to study however the vintage and modern way of lesson need to be improvised that allows you to make the instructions a greater interesting one. It also further discusses some of the solutions and recommendations as the report progresses. Based on the outcomes attained, recommendation is provided at the end of the researcht.


English as a Foreign Language (EFL), Learners’ motivation, Socio cultural background, Educational background


As world expanding and flourishing, the personal communication plays a very vital role in student’s life because without communication it’s not possible to expand and develop culture and conventions on national and international platform [1]. Personal communication mostly related to the family’s side, because mostly students spend their time with their family, so in this context family background is very essential in acquisition of English Language. R. Memons stated that patents that have good education perform better role instead of those parents who are less educated in learning of English language for their children [2]. He also stated that good financial background of parents also very important for enhancing their reading writing skill in English language. Socio culture, educational background, age, native language also have influence on students cognition for learning English language.

On the basis of several analysis and research it’s clear that most of the social factors have a concern of barriers on the fact that secondary level students of Lahore city is not completely satisfactory because of general or standard level of English. According to Hasan found that curriculum and syllabus of secondary level students completely have a significance impact on learning English as a second language in their academic career. Student’s learning progress in second language acquisition the socio economic factors also play a role in their learning L2 proficiency. In a family, in which mothers do job in private or public sectors of institution have an adverse effect on children’s acquisition due to loss of childcare time although their jobs have any other positive impact on their family for financial support of family. In Nigeria, Oni stated that there is a very significant difference for the students to learn English as a second language because of their high and low socio-economic statuses. Gachathi P, expressed that successful occupational background is also one important component of socio-economic status for attaining education because most of the students who belong from high and successful occupational family background abruptly and skillfully learn English language than the students who belong to the low occupational family background. The objective of the research is to investigate the key factors that affect the socio cultural and educational background in English learning and possible results to the findings are also noted.

This study could be helpful to each the English Language instructors and students to get explanations on how they can improve their teaching abilities on the basis of pupil’s academic and cultural history. It would additionally help the parents to understand their involvement inside the college students English Language Learning.

Literature Review

A number of barriers and problems occur with the progress of reading and writing in English as a foreign language for the students to learn English successfully. Cummings said that grammar translation method (GTM) is also a stigma for the students who learn English as a foreign and second language because they imitate language instead of using cognition to recognize words and sentences. Students of English language learners identify writing in a traditional way where it stands by rules regulations and a certain structure [3] Contextual issues like religious rituals, socio cultural traditions, and pedagogical background affect the way L2 learners to perceive language. Moreover, influence of educational and socio-cultural background, which brings the outcome in learning English language, contains ambiguous issues and problems for many English language learners and has greater traits and challenges in doing comparison to native students. Engle described that Learning English as foreign language is a continuance of their academic and social experiences in high school. Terenzini, described that for L2 students, in learning English language, requires new academic and social systems. Moreover different academic and social systems should not be part of their family background and social traditions. Students of English language may confront very severe crises in identifying cultural, societal, conventional, and academic separation from their old selves, putting those students at a higher risk of academic failure [4-8].

Influence of family and parents

Drake states that, father and mothers who are fully involved in student’s academic activities have very less complications regarding their students English acquisition, and are more likely to accomplish high school than the students whose parents are not fully interested in student’s academic activities so they unable to understand English learning process. He also stated that in these days family involvement in students’ academic activities play a very prudent role to learn English successfully. Rader, explained that, institutes and families today cannot remain untouched from the academic activities if they want to resolve ambiguous and complex issues confronted by children in L2 acquisition. Underwood said that parents who have high education try to provide conductive environment to their students for their study and they motivate their children to attain their education successfully and learn L2 proficiency easily than the parents who have low education and unable to provide favorable environment to children [9-12].

Influence of social status

Socioeconomic status and social setting also has influence on persons thinking, families, societies, and institutes as well as children’s learning process. According to Brogan the idea of social class has an impact on individuals learning from one generation to the next generation. Organizations for economic co-operation and development described that, academic progress at school is not merely related to school related factors but also related to the socioeconomic background and situation in which students are raised up. Social scientists have stated since 1970s in their study which they conducted, found that the socioeconomic conditions of the parents is an important factor in student’s academic achievement. According to Rothman, children who are from low socioeconomic background families don’t have a perfect environment of study in their homes for attaining academic achievement at school especially in L2 acquisition. Croll expressed that, students who have a lot of opportunities able to garb better results in examination process and also for pursuing higher education [13,14].

Influence of curriculum

In writing curriculum is very indispensable. According to Harris stated that students and teachers believe that students increase and develop their subject area knowledge in writing across the curriculum based courses. Hasan states that Pakistani institutes increase the demand for students to learn how to communicate in English rather than to just master the structure of the language. Morris described that its responsibility of the institutes to establish and design the curriculum according to the level and cognition of the students for learning English as foreign language.

Influence of academic transitions and academic culture

For EFL students’ in academic transition and academic culture confront a lot of problems in using correct lexical items, use of appropriate spelling, following accurate linguistic rules and developing cohesion in writing [15]. So, it’s clear that academic transitions and academic culture has an influence of facilitate to L2 learners in their language proficiency and learning.

Research Methodology

Research method

The researcher used mixed method techniques in this research. The type of the Research is mixed method. Both Qualitative and Quantitative method used in this research. Qualitative method used for description and Quantitative used for the numerical findings of the data.

Research design

The researcher selected 4 different schools form District Lahore. Two schools were from Urdu medium and two schools from English medium. Researcher got permission from the principles and the teachers of the willingly participation of the students. The researcher was allowed 30 minutes to accomplish the survey.

Sampling technique

The student’s questionnaire comprised of 3 sections educational background of Parents which comprised of two items, background of family consisted of five items and students educational background consisted of eight items. The respondents according to their suitability had a tick on any question of the multiple choice questions.

Method of data collection

Number of participants was 220 students of class eight out of which 110 were from Urdu medium and 110 students from English medium schools. Both male and female students were the participants. Below there is List of the schools

i. Govt Pilot High School, Lahore

ii. Govt Muslim High School, Lahore

iii. Kips high school for girls Johar Town, Lahore

iv. The Punjab Girls high school Township, Lahore

Researcher on the need for serving the motive of the research used open ended and close ended questions. Based at the answers furnished via individuals were examined and summarized with the assist of Microsoft excel 2007 and Microsoft word 2010.

Results and Discussion

Analysis of students’ questionnaire

Both girls and boys were selected, each male and female were about thirteen to 15 years old. There have been 10 questions within the questionnaire that given to the scholars. The result of each Urdu, English medium college students survey will display the variance of ratio of various responses via exceptional Tables 1 and 2 and Figures 1 and 2 in the following:


Figure 1: Father’s occupation.


Figure 2: Mother’s occupation.

Status of education Urdu medium schools English medium schools
Post-Graduation 38.6% 85.4%
Graduation 42.3% 14.2%
HSC 14.4% -----
SSC 5.9% -----

Table 1: Father’s educational status.

Status of education

Bengali medium schools

English medium schools













Table 2: Mother's educational status.

Ans. type

Urdu medium%

English medium%

Home Tutor





86.2 %










Table 3: Who Directors in academic program in school?

The distinction between Urdu and English medium students father instructional fame proves the capability of English medium scholar’s parent’s involvement on student’s socio cultural development and training.

The outcome proves that the involvement of English medium college student’s mother being mother and father on their socio-cultural conduct and education. The association of college students schooling is likewise proven by the answer of English medium students

The result shows that the economic solidity of father of English medium students to spend more expenditure on tuition fees than the Urdu medium students.

The above bar graphs indicate that the effects of college students mothers profession with 86.1% as housewife and 12% as service holder. On the opposite, 59.4% as a provider holder, 82% as enterprise lady and 30 % as house wife.

The ratio of answers confirms that English medium college students mothers are economically impartial which help to create social distinction on society.

The Table 3 shows the clean distinction between Urdu and English medium students socio cultural background as 44.3% are under parental steering of Urdu medium and 86.2% are below parental steerage of English medium schools. 41. 2% are below home teaches steerage in Urdu medium faculties and 01.6% in English medium faculties. 12% college students of Urdu medium faculties get steerage from siblings and relaxation of 4.1% college students guide themselves in educational programmer in faculty. In English medium students get 8% steering from relative and 01.5% manages them. The large distinction in reality shows more involvement of mother and father for English medium faculty’s students. The involvement of dad and mom brings a terrific impact in college students‟ getting to know.

Figure 3 Results indicate that contribution and supervision of parents in learning English at home useful for the students in learning English.


Figure 3: Who help you in learning English at home?

The end result certainly shows the distinction among Urdu and English medium colleges sports in English clases (Figure 4). 60.5% college students of Urdu medium said about the usage of each traditional and communicative sport in English classes whereas most effective 22.1% college students of the English medium schools stated the equal. A huge exchange is located in using communicative sports as 73.2% in English medium and 32.5% in Bengali medium. In case of using conventional activities, Urdu medium students spoke back approximately 5.6% and English medium about 5.3%.


Figure 4: Activities in English clases.

The general result of the above questions indicates the clean photograph of the use of communicative sports in English instructions which help students to have a robust educational heritage in English medium schools.

The Figure 5 end result indicates the actual view of each Urdu and English medium students circumstance of getting help from their instructors. 31% college students of Urdu medium faculties stated that they constantly get assist from teachers however 65.4% said that they get help once in a while from teachers. On the opposite hand, 80% English medium college students stated that they continually get help from instructors in mastering English and 14 % gave choice for occasionally.


Figure 5: Do you get any help and support on learning English from teachers?

The result proves that English medium schools college students get greater privileges, support and assist from teachers in learning L2 than Urdu medium college’s students.

Discussion and Conclusion

The first solution gave out numerous ratio of instructional popularity for the parents of the Urdu medium students, while the fathers of the English medium schools college students stood as only postgraduate and graduate result. This distinction in educational popularity takes substantial toll on their youngsters instructional involvement through the parents. The end result once more showed widespread ratio adjustments among the mom of Urdu medium colleges‟ college students and the moms of the English medium schools‟ college students where the proportion of surprisingly educated moms of English medium schools students is greater than that of the urdu medium colleges students moms. The third answer of this study shows the result as both sides being equal. The fourth answer indicates a different analysis of children living in higher families and minor families. The Fifth and Sixth answer is about the occupation of the mother and father of each medium faculties students.

In Pakistan the education scheme is chiefly divided into specific two components, the English medium and the Urdu medium schools. The students of the English medium colleges are an increasing number of open to the out of doors global and their variety of examine aren't truly limited to textual content books and in the method, they acquire a broader expertise and revel in. The Urdu medium college students tend to paste to their curriculum of studies and are much less opened to the outer world. They normally have a tendency to stay indoors their covered place or area that they belong to and as a end result they fall in the back of in the prolonged race. If we look at a touch time lower back, we are able to definitely see that the higher and the top-middle magnificence mother and father had been only able to ship their kids to the English medium faculties.

The researcher particularly recommends that both the parents and the lecturers involvement are equally critical from all perspective. It is most vital that the mother and father communicate to their Kids. Approximately their research at college and encourage them and inspire them to head further beforehand. It is maximum important to keep in mind that the students are right here to study however the vintage and modern way of lesson need to be improvised that allows you to make the instructions a greater interesting one.


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