ISSN: 1550-7521
Gatekeeping the gatekeepers: International community and freedom of information in Kosovo
The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of the international factors on the implementation of the Freedom of Information (FOI) legislation in Kosovo and to explore how this legislation affects media access to information in this transitional society. The case of Kosovo suggests that the influence of the international community is greater during the process of adopting FOI laws in transitional societies, but less effective on behavioral changes that accommodate the implementation of these laws, thus questioning the role of international factors on democratic consolidation. Three primary explanations for this inefficacy are found: the imitative nature of the FOI laws leads to defective legislation; the lack of a democratic culture within local institutions; and the double standards imposed by the Western organizations when it comes to transparency and access to information. Implications for media freedoms and professionalism are discussed.
Lindita Camaj
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