ISSN: 1550-7521
Investigating Citizens Experience of Public Communication of Science (PCS) and the Role of Media in Contributing to This Experience
As new technologies and science continue to flourish in the contemporary world, one may scarcely spot an area of human life still untouched by science and technology – from medicine and healthcare to arts, cinema and music; from construction and architecture to recreation, leisure and sports – all are closely associated with science and technology. Such association and interweavement of science and technology with daily life is so strong that one may contend that they have protruded into daily life and have become a public commodity.Press coverage of science, as an important duct, is to fill the gap between science and the public. Most people, including decision-makers, gain their information from mass media essentially or exclusively.The present study, therefore, aims to Identify the citizens’ experience of PCS (the means through which citizens communicate with scientists and research achievements) and Examine the role of media in contributing to PCS and PUS among citizens
Zahra Maher*, Ali Rabbani Khorasgani, Seyed Ali Hashemianfar
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