ISSN: 1550-7521
Issues of National Development in the Kazakhstan Press in the 1950s and Early 1960s
With the end of the World War II in the USSR, the most important task was the restoration of the war-ravaged economy in a large part of its European territory and ensuring the development of industry and agriculture. An important place in this business was assigned to Kazakhstan, which was exceeding the prewar level of industrial production, in very difficult conditions. The economic growth of the post-war years and the development of industry in Kazakhstan - all this had an impact on the consciousness of people. Also it could not help but affect the growth of the national selfconsciousness of the Kazakh people. During the same period, there was an increase in Kazakh intellectual potential in the process of developing the system of public education and raising the educational level of the population of the republic. Soviet ideology and official propaganda in the 1950s again recalled to the class approach in assessing historical personalities and events in the life of the Kazakh people. This shows that long ago the Soviet-Party nomenclature transformed Marxist-Leninist doctrine into a dogma, once again. The Soviet press were a handy party and were called upon to conduct the ideas of decision-making bodies. It propagandized the official policy aimed at internationalizing the life of the USSR people. On the one hand, the press opposed the infringement of the national identity of ethnic groups and, as it were, protecting their sovereign development without regulation and restrictions, on the other hand, preached the idea of forming a communist super nation in the distant future, the beginning of which is the Soviet people.
Sadykov S, Alimzhanova A, Kabylgazina K, Mykatayeva K, Uzbekova G
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