ISSN: 1550-7521

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Research Article Open Access

Mass Media Usage and Exposure of Sabar Tribal Community: A Study


It is a general perception in the society that tribal communities are under privileged in all the socio-economic spares due to sociological background. Mass media fails to emphasis and address the issues in general for their growth and overall development of the tribal community. The study tried to understand the exposure of mass media tools like radio, television, print as well as other social media and their role and usage in an endangered community namely Sabar tribe residing at Galudih under East Singh hum district of Jharkhand state. The role of mass media is undeniable in terms of development and social change. This paper tries to investigate and understand the mass media exposure and accessibility of the vulnerable Sabar tribal community. The study found that the mass media exposure and literacy level is very poor amongst the people of the community which is resulting the lack of awareness about their livelihoods and various developmental schemes of the government. From the field data it is seen that almost all the respondents covered under the study do not have mass media exposure except a few who read newspaper occasionally and that is less than seven percent. On the other hand, individuals of this community do not have any social media account. Data also reflects that community members neither have accessibility to television nor they watch television. This paper finds that traditional media and gram sabha are the most effective and preferable means of communication in the Sabar community.

Abhirup Bhadra*, Dr. Rahul Amin

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