ISSN: 1550-7521

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Research Article Open Access

Social and Cultural Problem of Overcoming Violence against a Woman in Association with Historico-Literary Poetics


The present article is devoted to the problem, which is pressing for a complex of socio-humanistic and natural sciences, that is, the problem of revealing factors of violence against women in culture and sociology of the society. Moreover, the authors are interested in the problem of elaborating approaches to solving the emerging contradictions. The authors of the research and development apply the data of axiological analysis in their investigation of gender topics. The first section of the article gives an overall context of the problem and a review of the major applied methods of scientific research. The authors are of the opinion that only synthesis of natural and medical sciences and humanitarian disciplines (sociology, philosophy, philology, psychology and culturology) can provide an adequate position from which the problem of violence can be best investigated. Taking into account the involved materials of historical and literary character, the investigation of spiritual healing is considered as one of the most effective measures in counteracting violence against women in society. The second section of the article serves as a necessary background for the study of the problem and is exemplified in the genesis of Russian literature, with priority attention to Ancient Rus’ literature and its traditions in the successive culture (from Alexander Pushkin to Feodor Dostoevsky, and others). The value approach dominates here. The method of comparativetypological analysis, which is applied in the second section, becomes overriding in the third section of the article. Here, the authors deal with the context of social theories of the 18th-21st centuries that treat violence as a negative event in social and cultural life of the society. Definition of such specific event within this process as violence against a woman is given, too. The concept of feminism as one of the options for solving the acute social problem of violence is also presented in the review. The fifth, final part of the article, which goes after the section dealing with a systemic review of the study testing stages, proposes a set of recommendations and prospects. They are associated both with applied tasks of social medicine, and with general moral and cultural milestones of upbringing and education required by modern society.

Razzhivin AI, Komar NG, Pashkurov AN, Sabirov RB and Muslimova NN

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