ISSN: 1550-7521

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Commentary Open Access

Social Media and the changing face of Journalism.


 With the rapidly increasing developments in Information Technology, social media has become a very popular communication tool, especially in the 21st Century. While Social Media is very useful in various areas of daily life, the impact of social media in the area of Journalism was examined in this piece of writing. The data was garnered through the analysis of grey literature. The impact of social media in relation to Journalism was examined in the following ways: a) The effect of Social Media on the Professionalism of Journalism b) The effect of Social Media on the editorial process c) The effect of Social Media on the Media economy d) The effect of Social Media on reader-newspaper relations e) The effect of Social Media on Reader-Journalist relations It was concluded that indeed Social Media has overhauled the face of Journalism.

 Rawa Ghosle

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